woman in gray jacket sitting beside desk

Editing Checklist

You can automate any task you need to do regularly by creating a checklist for it. Creating a checklist helps to ensure that you don’t miss a step, and it also helps you to be consistent. Everybody makes mistakes.  That is why it is crucial to proofread your work before you turn in a final copy or post a blog post.

Before we get into the checklist, one of the best pieces of editing advice I’ve ever received was to read a piece aloud. This makes our eyes slow down, and I always catch things when I’m reading a piece aloud that I wouldn’t have caught if I were just reading it.

Below is an editing checklist to help make sure your writing is as close to perfection as possible.

  • Check your spelling.  Also, check for usage of words such as their, they’re, and there.
  • Check your grammar.
  • Double-check the tense in the piece of writing.
  • Avoid Sexist Language.
  • Check the subject-verb agreement.
  • Check for consistency.
  • Double-check all quotations and paraphrases for accuracy.
  • Ensure the bibliography is complete and accurate.
  • Check for missed typos.
  • Remember that spell and grammar check will miss some things.  Double-check spelling and grammar.
  • Check for wordy passages and repetitive phrases.
  • Read the piece aloud.  Errors that otherwise would have been missed are often found this way.

By taking the time to run through this checklist, you can help ensure your writing maintains a professional appearance.  If you would like a second party to help you edit your writing.  Please contact me about my editing services.

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